We posted our first egg on instagram on Thursday, May 20th! Since then we’ve gotten almost 2 dozen keepers – and found a bunch of soft shelled/first eggs around the coop and under their roosts. We imagine the first egg is like, whoa, what’s this? Not being sure they just drop it where they stand, and go about their business.
We’ve got eight nesting boxes that they can lay in, but some still prefer to make a little nest in the grain silo (where they spend much of their leisure time just hanging out) so we know to look in a few places to find them.
Our next challenge – through the breed (what color eggs come from which chicken breed), and catching some in the act, we hope to identify who is laying which eggs. Some of them are so similar we can tell for the most part which eggs came from the same chicken, and some have uniqueness to their oblong shape. Who knew chickens would be so interesting?