Category: melba

melba rooster

Melba Updates! Chick identification – hen or rooster?

She’s still he biggest and the reddest comb and wattles. Hopefully she’s still going to be an egg layer! Update: Much later we discover Melba is indeed our Head Rooster – and is a cuckoo maran! He has fathered many many of our lucky cluckers barnyard mix chicks! Update: the…

How much do we weigh?

Melba the cuckoo maran rooster, tops the scale of our chicken flock weighing in at 3# .9 ounces. Compare that to Ebitz at a 1# .3oz, and Little big Bird at 2.0 ounces, and Tiny, our tiniest bantam weighing .7 ounces (smaller than a 1 ounce silver coin). That’s pretty…

Cuckoo Marans – Copper Marans and the Mystic Maran Chicken Melba & Mini Melba 1&2

Soooo…we have cuckoo marans – we’ve named the biggest Melba – she was one of the first to get to know us and become very friendly. As two of the smaller chicks began to feather, their feathers were also showing the black/white pattern. Such pretty chicks! – Hoover Hatchery showcases…

Melba and Mini Melba – from our Midnight Majesty Marans these are male and female cuckoo marans

Update: the pattern of The feathers makes us think these could be marans of some sort. Maybe cuckoo marans? Enjoy this creative photo shoot of our cuckoo maran looking chicks. From our research the difference between the barred rock chickens and the cuckoo marans are: cuckoo marans have fluffy down…

Melba – the black and white striped chicken – turns out to be a cuckoo maran rooster!

Meet Melba – one of the biggest chicks we’ve got, who is officially a month old. She has great coloring – black with white stripes making her look black/white and grey. Some of our favorite ladies are named Melba! Update: Once she grew up it became apparent, Melba is indeed…