Category: Emu

Let’s talk about Emu Sounds – chirping, humming, drumming and grunting

Let’s talk about emu behaviors and sounds! Emu babies are adorable and sound very different than they do when they are grown up. As an emu grows up, between 18-24 months they tend to start their grown-up sounds. Female emu make a deep drumming sound. A male sounds more like…

What is the best diet for a pet emu?

Our emu eat a mix of ratite feed by Kalmbach, rabbit pellets, chicken layer feed, and their favorite treat is cat food! We also mix cat food with their daily food – which we have been doing 2-3x a day, but we do notice now that spring is here that…

Unique emu feathers feature a double shaft

Emu feathers are double shafted – there are two feathers that grow out of one shaft. The feathers toward their back end rattle and this sound is used to deter predators. They do molt during the early spring and summer and will have feathers loosen and fall off. Emu tend…

What does an emu need for safety and security?

Emu Sleep Emus and sleep: emus sleep once the sun sets. Resting on their hocks they will curl their necks back over their bodies. They may get up to stretch throughout the night. They do also nap this way during the day. Emu Shelter & Fences An emu fence should…