Category: isa brown

Salad time for the Ladies

Lady Elaine & the Isa Browns

The Mandalorian baby yoda and Butterscotch the chicken

Butterscotch also posed with #babyyoda for these pics. It’s been fun to add props to the photo shoots to see just how much and how quickly our pullet chicks have grown! These ladies are approx 7 weeks old in this photo shoot series.


Butterscotch our isa brown

Enjoy some closeups of raspberries on a tree with Butterscotch, our isa brown chick posing for some close up pics…

Esther – a possible Amberlink?

Esther fits the description of the amberlink – but we’ve been thinking isa brown. She is just so unique, I’m wondering if it’s possible? Amberlink: This graceful white and amber colored sex link can lay eggs like no one’s business, even in the cold dark winters. It is derived from…

isa Brown – GreyFeather

Bright Sunshiny Day for a Chick Photo Shoot

Here is a very adolescent looking isa brown chick having some sun time on the window sill. Frigid temperatures outside, but cozy and fun in the sun inside! It’s fun going back to look at the younger chicks – this one happens to be Lady Elaine!

elegant isa brown

Some of the chicks look so adolescent at one month old. Some look elegant one day and frazzled the next. It’s amazing seeing all the changes happening, and so quickly! Here’s a pretty caramel swirl colored isa brown. She preferred to perch on my hand for her photo shoot. About…

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Lady Elaine an isabrown beauty

Lady Elaine is an isa brown – and every Land of Make Believe needs a magical mysterious Lady Elaine and her Merry Go Round Museum… Lady Elaine’s Valentines Day Photo Shoot @ Five Weeks Old

Esther an isa brown chicken #luckyclucker

The chicks grow overnight – and so much changes day to day that we’re on serious photo overload. We want to catch each phase of their development, but also look for the traits in each as they develop their unique looks and personalities. A few have started to show us…