Tag: luckycluckers

sunbathing chicken

Who Broke the Chickens? Sunbathing chickens look really silly.

The first time some people see sunbathing chickens you begin to wonder if they are broken. The expressions! The Feathers! The positions! There is just no way to explain the beautifulness that is a sunbathing chicken! Way to go #bigbird for demonstrating the point! #luckycluckers #whobrokethechickens #bigbird #sunbathingbeauties

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Tiny and the Pool House

#miniaturechickens #miniaturehouses #luckycluckers

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When can my chicks go outside?

We are anxiously awaiting warmer weather and slightly older chicks so we can get them out of the house and into their coop (which we don’t have yet) as it is being built. As it happens, we have very talented friends…so our #luckycluckers will live in a #bluecastle fit for…

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Happy Valentines Day!

Nothing says happy Valentine’s Day quite like chickens on a whimsical pink photo set. So Here is to a happy Valentine’s Day from all of our #luckycluckers! Henrietta – Rhode Island Red @ six weeks old Sapphire Gem Pullet Chicks – Four Weeks Old Cuckoo Maran Pullet Chick – Four…


asian black chick

Will we ever know for sure what type of chick she is? I do see some undertones of brown, also a bit of white. Her legs are grey. Maran or Asian Black? Your guess at this point is as good as mine!

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elegant isa brown

Some of the chicks look so adolescent at one month old. Some look elegant one day and frazzled the next. It’s amazing seeing all the changes happening, and so quickly! Here’s a pretty caramel swirl colored isa brown. She preferred to perch on my hand for her photo shoot. About…

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our chickens are changing every day!

It’s almost hard to keep up with all the changes. The chicks are developing new feathers, growing, and adding colors to their feathers every day! Since we are taking so many photos of them, we’re trying to identify them as we go – but being first time chick owners, it’s…

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