We brought peacock chicks home in the spring of 2022 – two Indigo Blue, two White and one Purple Pied – we don’t know the sex of the birds and are going to wait and see what they decide to be by showing us their feather development.
We had them inside in a brooder until they were large enough to move outside to a heated brooder. We used a large enclosure with a heat lamp set up with a standard 100 watt light bulb. Once they were big enough to go outside, we did create a heated roost with outdoor carpet/fabric over a heated plumbing tape in our enclosed run.
Finally we decided to let them out to free range our farm, and they and we are much happier! In inclement weather, they go into the school bus coop. Otherwise, at night they roost in our really tall pine trees overlooking our farm. They’re all yearlings now (2023) and this spring has brought out some of their calling sounds. They also soar across the yard and can fly from the ground to the top of the house or pole barn with no trouble at all. They are majestic to watch in flight, and pretty when they are strutting around – feathers up or down!
Did you know a group of peafowl is called an “Ostentation”?
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