Mini Melba – with a much smaller comb and lighter colors!

Melba with Mini Melbas and pals!

About the Midnight Majesty Maran Chicken Breed
The Midnight Majesty Marans™ from Hoover’s Hatchery have black plumage and most hatch with feathered feet, but some do not. Deep browns show up through their down feathering underneath, making them a mix of beautiful dark brown and black plumage. The males are barred. This breed will lay dark brown eggs and will lay a lot of them! You will truly enjoy this breed in your backyard flock and its dark eggs in your egg carton! These hybrids perform well in many different climates. The Midnight Majesty Marans are a combination of the Copper Maran and the Cuckoo Maran (which resembles a Plymough Barred Rock in looks though it is not) APPROX. 250 LARGE EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: DARK BROWN | MATURE WT: MALE 7 LBS. FEMALE 6 LBS.