We have six mini potbelly pigs here on our farm. Four were “rehomed” or “rescued” and two were adopted as little piglets.
Legendary Acres Six Potbelly Pigs:
Izzy & Franky came together when their owner needed to find them a new home. Living in a subdivision, their HOA got involved after a neighbor complained and they needed to find somewhere new to live. It was our first experience with pigs as pets – and as it turns out Izzy and Franky-Pank are loving the farm life, and us – though we did learn a thing or two after they came to live with us. Ask us about their first and second nights here with us if you want to hear a (it’s funny now) story!

Ziggy & Siggy – were adopted from a local woman who bred pigs. They were the cutest little piglets! Sandi had a bit of concern adopting Ziggy because the breeder pointed out a little “mole/wart” on Ziggy’s forehead. Worried it could be something more, Sandi wasn’t sure but she overcame this and was determined to give Ziggy a good home no matter what. While being neutered, the vet was able to remove this growth and he is as good as new. What’s even better is Sandi learned the lesson that she was so glad to have taken Ziggy since he is her best-est piggy friend and gives her kisses all the time with his snout. Had she not taken him, she would have missed out on all this love!

Cooper came to our farm when his owner moved from South Carolina to Michigan and he needed somewhere to live as she just couldn’t accommodate him! He was used to being an “only” pig – and while he tolerates us as his new owners, he doesn’t love us like he loved her. Pigs are very loyal once you get them as babies and may really bond with their first owner (s) making it harder for them to bond with a new home. He tolerates the rest of our animals, but is still a bit more aggressive than we’d like so he is under supervision more than the others – and if guests visit the farm he has to be put in his pen to keep everyone safe and not have any jumping pig surprises.

Carl was our last rehome/rescue pig. His family got him as an indoor house pig. When he started to hit his 1-2 year old “terrible twos” he became less predictable in his behavior. Also subject to “only pig” syndrome and having a pig’s its’ all about me nature, he wasn’t doing so well being confined to the laundry room. He is small, but if ornery he will still head swipe. He is the tiniest of our pigs and will willingly jump up in your lap for cuddles, but be ready for him to say he’s DONE with cuddle time on his terms! He gets along with the other animals, mainly by giving them a wide berth.

Myths about Pigs! #1: Pigs Eat a Lot #2: Pigs are “fat” #3: “teacup” pigs stay small #4: Pigs are “dirty” #5: A house pig will act like a dog. The real facts about pigs: 1. pigs on a well balanced diet meant for pet pigs is not a huge amount. 1/4 to 1/2 cup of pellets 2x a day and grazing is enough! (pigs are fed with desired weight in mind and there are helpful charts to refer to for a pig’s body score.) 2. Pigs are muscular, their snouts can lift gates and move big heavy things. They are strong and muscular animals. They can also outrun you! (maybe outsmart you too – they are very smart!) 3. Teacup/micro/mini pigs are commonly heard terms. There is no such thing. A “mini” pig. A mini is any pig smaller than a “farm pig” which means up to 350# (Al mentions 200# in the video). 4. Pigs want to stay pretty clean. Sure, they root in the mud and will roll in mud (which acts as a natural sunscreen, and also cleans the oils etc. off their skin much like other “dust bathing” animals. Given a swimming or wading pool, a pig will often potty in it to mask their odors and often prefer to potty in the water. 5. A pig in the house will be motivated by natural instincts. They want to root around – this can include putting holes in your walls, pulling up your floor, or knocking your toilet off it’s place. They are food motivated and will also break into cupboards and refrigerators. They are not in fact dogs. They are in fact awesome animals to love!