We’ve got goats! We are not kidding, and you may know of course that baby goats are referred to as Kids…you can follow the stories of all our baby goats. We now have seven! Howard & Roarke, Dagny & Princess Luna, and added June 30, 2021 Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia! Odie was adopted/rescued last after he lost his pal at the barn where he was living. We walked in to meet him, Al picked him up, carried him to the car and we left! He’s had an amazing home with us ever since.
Our first two goats were Howard and Hank. We drove up to a goat farm to meet a fainting goat – which was our original idea (his name was Hank). We learned all animals do best with a pal of their own kind, and met Howard, a Nigerian Dwarf goat that same trip. Once Al picked him up, he didn’t put him down, so of course we left with two bottle baby goats. We soon learned that a fainting goat (designed to be the sacrificial goat of a herd for predator protection) isn’t the ideal goat to own if you are around things that could scare them into fainting (like bunches of barking dogs). We lost Hank sadly, but Howard was doing great, and was super cute, so we decided to stick to nigerian dwarf goats and grew our herd from there.
Dogs and chickens and pigs and goats Oh My! Just add a Mini Mule, perhaps some Koi, a whole lot of golden retriever love, and you have the Living Legendary Farm experience…
Millie the Mini Mule
Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia Facebook Album
Dagny & Princess Luna Facebook Album
Howard & Roarke Facebook Album
All the Baby Goats Facebook album
Izzy and Franky’s Facebook Album