Our chicken flock of chicks originating from Rural King and Hoover’s Hatchery – added to by hatching some farm stand eggs, and creating our own backyard mix chickens of full size and bantam chickens!
What do chickens do all day?- aka Legendary Acres “Lucky Cluckers”
Introducing #LuckyCluckers
Here we begin our adventures in raising baby chicks. We call them the “Lucky Cluckers” because that is exactly what they are…they will likely have lots of fun adventures. After all they do call the Steampunk Mansion their home. As a part of the #MansionMenagerie, they are getting a custom #chickencoop built by the fabulous db Designs, can’t wait to show you the chicken palace (which we hope has a strong resemblance to a certain King Friday’s castle from our favorite Mr. Rogers Land of Make Believe!)

Lucky Cluckers & Friends
The #LucklyCluckers will be pals with the #LegendaryGoldens, and we are already making the introductions. #teamlegendary is ready for any challenge, as we found when creating our Life of Koi pond(s) in the spring of 2020. The spring of 2021 certainly has much more in store!

We are learning all kinds of things we never knew about raising chicks, what to expect when they grow up into full grown chickens, and everything in between.

Our Flock
Our chicken breeds include isa Browns, Rhode Island Red, Starlight Green Eggers, Mystic Marans, French Black Copper Maran, French Cuckoo Maran, Barred Rock, Asian Black, Sapphire Gems, Pearl Leghorn, White Leghorn, Americana, Australorp, Ameraucana, Bantam Golden Sebright, Old English, Porcelain d’uccle, Millie Fleur d’uccle, Silkie, and since we love hatching, an eclectic group of Barnyard Mix Birds. *we love the barnyard mixes because each chicken has such unique looks it’s easier to tell them apart from each other and really recognize their individual characteristics.
The Asian Black is a slower growing bird. The males can reach market weight in 10 to 12 weeks, and the females take 15 weeks. It’s striking colors with a blue/green hue on the black and red feather pattern makes it a beautiful addition to any flock. It is a hardy bird that can adapt to many growing conditions. APPROX 250 MEDIUM EGGS/YEAR |EGG COLOR: BROWN |MATURE WT: MALE 5 LBS. FEMALE 4 LBS.
French Black Copper Maran
The Maran breed originates from a town called Marans, France. Its a very winter hardy breed with a docile temperament. They are more athletic and take to foraging and free ranging more often than other breeds. The French Copper Marans lay dark brown eggs.
Midnight Majesty Maran
About the Midnight Majesty Maran Chicken Breed
The Midnight Majesty Marans™ have black plumage and most hatch with feathered feet, but some do not. Deep browns show up through their down feathering underneath, making them a mix of beautiful dark brown and black plumage. The Maran breed originates from a town called Marans, France. Its a very winter hardy breed with a docile temperament. They are more athletic and take to foraging and free ranging more often than other breeds. The males are barred. This breed will lay dark brown eggs and will lay a lot of them! You will truly enjoy this breed in your backyard flock and its dark eggs in your egg carton! These hybrids perform well in many different climates. APPROX. 250 LARGE EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: DARK BROWN | MATURE WT: MALE 7 LBS. FEMALE 6 LBS.
French Cuckoo Maran
The Maran breed originates from a town called Marans, France. It is a very winter hardy breed with a docile temperament. They tend to be more athletic, taking to foraging and free ranging more often than other breeds. Marans lay dark brown and dark speckled eggs. These tough birds make a great addition to any backyard flock. APPROX. 200 MEDIUM EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: BROWN | MATURE WT: MALE 6 LBS. FEMALE 4.5 LBS.
About the Rhode Island Red Breed
Rhode Island may be America’s smallest state but the breed developed there in the late 1800s made huge changes in chicken husbandry. The Rhode Island Red’s amazing ability to lay about 265 eggs a year made it famous worldwide and became the parent of several modern hybrid egg layers. These glossy mahogany- colored hens with black tail feathers are as beautiful as they are gentle and productive. APPROX. 265 LARGE EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: BROWN | MATURE WT: MALE 8 LBS. FEMALE 6.5 LBS.
About the Isa Brown Chicken Breed
One of the top sellers in the industry because of the number of eggs they lay and their demeanor. The ISA Browns have excellent shell quality and texture. A docile bird, extremely easy to work with. When they are hatched, the pullets are red and the cockerels are white. APPROX 300 LARGE EGGS/YEAR |EGG COLOR: BROWN |MATURE WT: MALE 6 LBS. FEMALE 5 LBS.
Amberlink: This graceful white and amber colored sex link can lay eggs like no one’s business, even in the cold dark winters. It is derived from the ISA genetic line and doesn’t disappoint in egg production and cold weather hardiness. It is a very well balanced bird that lays nice medium size table eggs. They are docile and make great foragers. APPROX. 270 MEDIUM EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: BROWN | MATURE WT: MALE 6 LBS. FEMALE 5 LBS.
Black Sex Link
The Black Sex-Link is an excellent brown egg layer. It was created from a Barred Rock hen and a Rhode Island Red cockerel. This creates a very versatile bird that is a great egg layer, has the temperament of a Barred Plymouth Rock, and can hold its own through the cold dark winter.
Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 250 Large Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Gentle, Active Mature Weight: 5-6 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Rarely Comb Type: Single Comb

White Leghorn

Years ago a small amazingly productive chicken breed was imported from Italy through the port of Livorno. “Leghorn” became the Anglicized word for that port and the breed. Supermarket eggs are almost always laid by White Leghorns or hybrids developed from them. Hens lay about 290 eggs every year while eating less feed than most other breeds. APPROX. 290 LARGE EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: WHITE | MATURE WT: MALE 4 LBS. FEMALE 3.5 LBS.
Pearl Leghorn
Brown Leghorns share the productive traits and nervous personality of their white cousins but have slightly larger bodies clothed in one of the most beautiful feather patterns of any white egg laying breed. Always alert, Brown Leghorns are athletic, excitable, noisy, and often better able to avoid predators than slower breeds.
Purpose: Egg Layer Production: 300 Large White Eggs/Year Temperament: Alert, Athletic, Vocal Mature Weight: 4-5 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Rarely Comb Type: Single Comb

Calico Princess
Suddenly peanut brittle makes more sense!
The Calico Princess™ is topaz colored and its feathers alternate in color between the light red-orange and white making it seem like a glimmering topaz stone. They are great egg layers and do well in many different environments. They are also robust and can adapt well to different climates. This bird is a specialty hybrid that was created by a breeder in the Czech Republic.
Purpose: Egg Layer Production: 290 Large Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Calm Mature Weight: 6-7 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Single Comb
Starlight Green Egger
About the breed from Hoover’s Hatchery:

The Starlight Green Egger™ is very similar to the Prairie Bluebell Egger™. This breed was created by crossing the Prairie Bluebell Egger™ with a brown egg layer, the result is a chicken breed that lays high quantities of only green eggs. As with the Prairie Bluebell Egger™, the Starlight Green Egger™ is a lightweight and very active breed that is an excellent forager in free-range situations. The plumage color is also highly variable and comes in many beautiful color patterns not typically seen. If you are looking for a bird that consistently lays a green egg and will lay a lot of them, all while having a beautiful color pattern, then the Starlight Green Egger™ will be a great addition to your flock! *There may be a 5% chance for laying brown eggs with this hybrid. APPROX. 280 MEDIUM EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: GREEN | MATURE WT: MALE 5 LBS. FEMALE 4 LBS
Sapphire Gem
Breed Information from Hoover’s Hatchery: Our Sapphire Gem™ will amaze you with its grey to light grey plumage. This Czech breed is an excellent egg layer and a great forager. It does well in hot and cold climates and is a breed very close to the Old Andalusians. Please note that grey to light grey plumage is referred to as blue or lavender feathering in the chicken industry. APPROX. 290 LARGE EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: BROWN | MATURE WT: MALE 7 LBS. FEMALE 6 LBS.

Our Americana will give you an assortment of colored eggs from turquoise to olive, to light brown. The Americana breed comes from the Araucana and Ameraucana mix and has different color plumage variations. It is because of this genetic combination that our birds are not meant for exhibition.

Purpose: Egg Layer Production: 240 Medium Colored Eggs/Year. Temperament: Docile, Friendly Mature Weight: 4-6 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Pea Comb
The Australorp is an Australian breed, was selected for its high egg production, and was developed primarily from Black Orpingtons that were exported from England in the 1890s to early 1900. Australian breeders selected large Black Orpingtons because of their efficient egg production and Orpington shape. Today, the Australorp is still a favorite egg producer in small and backyard flocks. Despite their record-breaking egg production, they are still considered a dual-purpose breed that grows at a good rate and has a well-fleshed carcass. The plumage is pure black with an intense beetle-green sheen that is breathtaking when seen in the sunlight. Their legs and toes are also black while the bottoms of the feet are white.
Purpose: Dual-Purpose Production: 250 Large Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Energetic Mature Weight: 5-6 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Occasionally Comb Type: Single Comb
The Old English Bantam originated in England and were raised for cock fighting, a cheap sport that anyone could get involved in. The sport was banned in 1849 and today the birds are raised for exhibition. The upright appearance and confidence in this breed sets it apart and makes it noticeable. Hoover’s Hatchery
Old English Bantam Assortment includes many different colors including the Crete, Blue, Barred, Red Pyle, B.B. Red and Silver Duck Wing.
Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam

Mille Fleur d’Uccle bantams generally have great temperaments, making them easy birds to handle for the novice chicken keeper or for kids. It is because of this that they make excellent pet chickens. Their mahogany feathers with speckles get more and more beautiful after each molt. Mille Fleur in French translates to “thousand flowers”. This bantam originated in Belgium. APPROX. 100 SMALL EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: CREAM | MATURE WT: MALE 2.5 LBS. FEMALE 2 LBS.
The Porcelain d’Uccle originates in Belgium. They have beards, feathered legs, and their plumage is a beautiful blueish-white that almost seems iridescent and all feathers are tipped in white. They have good temperaments and friendly dispositions. APPROX. 100 SMALL EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: BROWN | MATURE WT: MALE 1 LB. FEMALE 1 LB.

Golden Sebright Bantam

One of the most stunning breed of chickens in the world. The breed originated in England in the 19th century. The Sebright breed has black lacing with either gold or silver base color. They lay very small tinted eggs, but do not lay well and are not setters. They are kept primarily for pleasure and exhibition. Sebrights have clean legs with slate blue skin, and their beaks are a dark horn color. APPROX. 100 SMALL EGGS/YEAR EGG COLOR: CREAM MATURE WT: MALE 2.5 LBS. FEMALE 2 LBS.
Silkies are named for their unique fluffy plumage, which feels like silk. They have several unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot (although not all of our silkies will hatch out with five toes). Calm and friendly and the most docile of poultry, they make an ideal pet. Hens are broody and make good mothers. Though they are fair layers themselves, they are commonly used to hatch eggs from other breeds.
Silkies are only sold in assorted colors, and we do not guarantee any colors in assortments.
Purpose: Ornamental Production: 100 Small Light Brown Eggs/Year Temperament: Docile, Friendly, Easily Tamed, Great Pets Mature Weight: 2-3 lbs. Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy Broodiness: Often, Good Mothers Comb Type: Rose Comb