Henrietta, she is a special one

Henrietta has gotten extra attention since a week or so old. We noticed she walked a bit funny, and had a crooked leg (splayed leg?) or just a twisted leg injury? We did attempt the rubber band straightening, but didn’t like having to wrap her leg with something (she was growing so fast almost overnight it seemed too tight). We took it off, and she seemed to get around okay so we left it alone.

She has no trouble getting around, flying/perching, sitting, standing and fending for herself. She’s actually a bit cocky (and always has been). She is also the #rhodeislandred that had the worst looking feathers for a while. They were stiff and brittle, and very sparse. She is filling in quite nicely.

It’s also worth noting that Henrietta has developed the reddest comb and wattles of any of our chicks. So, is Henrietta a potential roo? We’ll have to wait and see, but there’s a pretty good chance. If we had to single one chicken out that is “not like the others” Henrietta is definitely in a category all her own.

Still a sweet disposition, easily held, but also protective of us reaching in if any of the other chicks would rather avoid us, she steps in…hmmm?

Author: Sandi