Melvin and Marvin
They are still not super into playing with humans and startle easily, but they are pretty!
Big Bird
Always checking everything out and not easily startled or skittish. The one and only original Big Bird!
Okay, she does look the most likely to be voted a roo…she’s also the one with the crooked leg, but that doesn’t hold her back one bit!
Frick & Frack
Still not quite sure what Frick and Frack are, but they are sure pretty! Not quite look a likes for Big Bird like Melvin and Marvin are, but similar… Frack Frick
Sapphire Gems
Copper and New Zealand The Lightest Sapphire New Zealand With a bit of Fluff up top and not quite as wide as Fiji – this one is a gem! Little J The sapphire gem without the funky spiky head feathers, grey neck and light body is fondly referred to as…
She tries to escape and jump away. A bit of a spitfire, but we’ve gotten her to settle a few times to just chill out with us. Super pretty feathers!
Auntie Em and Dorothy!
Since our first coop is Auntie Em’s House from the Wizard of Oz, it only makes sense that we have an Auntie Em (bigger) and Dorothy (smaller).