Esther – a possible Amberlink?

Esther fits the description of the amberlink – but we’ve been thinking isa brown. She is just so unique, I’m wondering if it’s possible? Amberlink: This graceful white and amber colored sex link can lay eggs like no one’s business, even in the cold dark winters. It is derived from…

ebitz – White Leghorn

She is one of the prettiest and softest pullet chicks we have in the group. She’s becoming more friendly/sitting and being cuddled by us. White Leghorn Years ago a small amazingly productive chicken breed was imported from Italy through the port of Livorno. “Leghorn” became the Anglicized word for that…

Cuckoo Marans – Copper Marans and the Mystic Maran Chicken Melba & Mini Melba 1&2

Soooo…we have cuckoo marans – we’ve named the biggest Melba – she was one of the first to get to know us and become very friendly. As two of the smaller chicks began to feather, their feathers were also showing the black/white pattern. Such pretty chicks! – Hoover Hatchery showcases…

It was Friday…

That is how most of our most #epicstories begin. It’s February here in Michigan. We’re enjoying raising our flock of chicks, our pack of Golden Retrievers, and our School(s) of Koi. So of course, off to Rural King for supplies…and maybe, just maybe we’ll peek at the chicks. Just kidding,…


When can my chicks go outside?

We are anxiously awaiting warmer weather and slightly older chicks so we can get them out of the house and into their coop (which we don’t have yet) as it is being built. As it happens, we have very talented friends…so our #luckycluckers will live in a #bluecastle fit for…

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Melba and Mini Melba – from our Midnight Majesty Marans these are male and female cuckoo marans

Update: the pattern of The feathers makes us think these could be marans of some sort. Maybe cuckoo marans? Enjoy this creative photo shoot of our cuckoo maran looking chicks. From our research the difference between the barred rock chickens and the cuckoo marans are: cuckoo marans have fluffy down…

isa Brown – GreyFeather

May the Force Be With You

BigBird had the chance to play with a light saber and decided to bring you this message: Because nothing says fun like a chicken holding a light saber!

Meet KayKay

Named after Melba’s sister and Al’s favorite aunt, meet KayKay! She is an Asian Black chick with a zen personality and super soft feathers.

Esther the Green Egger is the acrobat

She insists on climbing and perching on everything. If I get the phone out to take her pic she jumps on top of it. So cute to watch the places she decides to jump to!