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Luna is sitting pretty!

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Now offering Farm Tours!

A visit to the farm means meeting and interacting with many different types of animals. Learn about where they live, what they eat, what they do during the day and at night and some fun facts about each one. You’ll get to feed the animals snacks (that we provide), pet…

goats in the hay bin

Goats will sleep anywhere

So we built this lovely custom hay feeder for the goats and alpacas, and set it up, we thought, so the goats wouldn’t get in, lay in the hay and soil it. We were wrong, of course. Goats go wherever they want to! Here’s Luna and Luke (nigerian dwarf goats)…

Knock Knock…who’s there? It’s ziggy the cute little mini potbelly piggy!

For more pig antics, check out our pigs on youtube!

Who needs nesting boxes?

Not Lucy (Lucille Ball) who finds this bin of bedding pellets just fine and out of the way. What a cozy comfy space to leave us an egg a day!

Legendary Acres Pet PIGS!

We have six mini potbelly pigs here on our farm. Four were “rehomed” or “rescued” and two were adopted as little piglets. Legendary Acres Six Potbelly Pigs: Izzy & Franky came together when their owner needed to find them a new home. Living in a subdivision, their HOA got involved…

Silkie Broody Mama gets 4 new Chicks

We’re nominees for the group hatch-o-holics on Facebook for sure. We’ve recently hatched our third round in the incubator (and have reset round 4 with farm fresh eggs from 3 different farms PLUS ours! Talk about magical mixes emerging from our eggs… Back to the original story that was our…

Black Sex Link Chickens

New theory that Melvin and Marvin are Black Sex Links? The Black Sex-Link is an excellent brown egg layer. It was created from a Barred Rock hen and a Rhode Island Red cockerel. This creates a very versatile bird that is a great egg layer, has the temperament of a…

First Hatching Chicks

Part of the fun of a farmyard chick is trying to figure out who the parents are that bring about the chicks characteristics. Here we’ll recap our chicks that hatched and try to match with the parent combo that brought them about. Play along! Aside from DNA testing our best…